Pictures from Skåne - Sweden - Southwest Skåne

Abusadalen - east of the Södra Sandby is a wooded stream valley with a mighty old vresbok.
Alkärret - small nature reserve just north of Lomma. There are different kinds of environments. Alder forest on damp ground, with open water and overgrown wetlands.
Alnarp park - an oasis in the open arable landscape between Malmö and Lund.
Arriesjön - old gravel pit has been converted into a recreational area with a small lake.
Askebacken - north of Torup castle. On the hill are the remains of a castle, the predecessor of today Torup Castle. Was built sometime in the 1300's, was destroyed during the Danish civil war Count's Feud 1534-36.
Barsebäckshamn - is an old fishing village, where commercial fishing has disappeared. Now a popular marina and beach.
Billebjer - Billebjer is a small nature reserve east of Lund. It is mainly visited for its bath in the old quarry and its view from a cliff.
Bjällerups kyrka - dating from the 12th century. A well-preserved church. In the church worked the priest Henric Schartau. On the ceiling are paintings from the late Middle Ages.
Blå Caféet - south of Lomma is a lunch restaurant and café with view of Öresund. Seafront promenade to Lomma.
Boijsens dammar - five ponds, four former fish ponds and one natural, in the northern part of Skrylle area. In two grow red water lilies.
Bolmers högar - two burial mounds from the Bronze Age (ca. 1800-1300 BC) near theroad east of Vellinge past Mellan-Grevie. Located on a slight elevation, from the mounds is a sweeping view of Söderslätt.
Borelund - is a nature reserve in southern Skrylle area, between Dalby and Torna Hällestad, with orchid-rich calcareous fens, and also with some other plants.
Borgeby castle - at Lödde river dating from the early Middle Ages. Port tower from the 1200s. Stable buildings from the 1700s. Museum of the artist Ernst Norlind.
Borravallen - is a likely fortress on a peninsula at the northeastern part of Börringe Sea. Perhaps it was only a refuge in troubled times. It is visible today is about one kilometers long embankments.
Bärnstensmuseet - in Kämpinge. With exhibitions about and with amber, jetsam, archaeological finds. A store selling amber jewelry.
Börringe kyrkoruin - The church was built in the 1100s. It was demolished after the merger of Norra Börringe and Lemmeströ. Today, some thick stone walls remain. In the ground, where it was in the middle of the longhouse, is a tombstone, Anno 1587.
Dalby church - the Holy Cross Church in Dalby is the oldest existing stone church in the Nordic countries, founded as a cathedral in 1060 when Dalby became a diocese in Denmark.
Dalby Västermark - arable land which is a nature reserve, where no chemical fertilizers or pesticides has been used. Therefore, an instance of a weed flora.
Danshögarna - stone-chamber tombs and a long tomb at Rinnebäck in Kävlinge.
Degebergahus - south of lake Häckebergasjön. The western part is a scrubby forest. The eastern part arable land with forest islet, and a beech forest with a marsh. Old trees. The reserve is mostly for moss, lichens and insects.
Dösjebro - a stone arch bridge over the Saxån river. On two center stones are texts that the bridge builder had carved, one that the bridge was built by the bridge builder Hans Nilsson in 1770, the other refers to the battle of Dösjebro which took place in 1181.
Ekeberga - nature reserve outside Södra Sandby. Species-rich pastures, a former gravel quarry, a deciduous forest, a place of a former farm.
Eksholmssjön - along the road between Holmeja and Sturup. The surroundings of the lake are characterized by beautiful forests and forest marshes.
Falsterbo strand - walking on the beach between a medieval castle ruin and a bird sanctuary.
Falsterbohus - Castle ruin in Falsterbo. Glory were in the 1300s. Here Queen Margaret received envoys from other countries. Her son Olof died here 1387. Demolished1596.
Falsterbokanalen - built during World War II when the Germans mined waters outside Falsterbonäset. At the channel are many bunkers and obstacles from the defense establishment Per Albin Line.
Falsterbonäset .... - the southwestern outpost at Öresund.
Fiskboden - seafood restaurant and fish store in Lomma.
Flommen - at Skanör with sand dunes, lagoons, wetlands and pastures.
Flackarps ödekyrkogård - Flackarp 12th century church south of Lund was demolished in 1865. Today there is a belfry with the church bell, a wooden cross, a memorial grove and some old tombstones.
Fågelsångsdalen - a small nature reserve with a gorge and deciduous forest at Södra Sandby.
Galgabacken - on a hill in south-east Dalby stands a stone with the inscription 'Galgabacken'. Probably the site of the Dalby execution site, where, according to the archives, several people were executed.
Galgbacken - just outside Stora Harrie is a burial ground with megalithic tombs, Galgbacken. The place has been used as a place of execution, hence the name.
Gavelsbjer - 3.5 hectares small nature reserve at Arrie, consisting of a 25 meter high plateau formed moraine hill. View over the surrounding plains.
Gillhög - is a well-preserved Neolithic passage grave along the road between Löddeköpinge and Barsebäckshamn.
Glorias äppelgård - apple orchard just north of Lund. Shop and cafe with products based on apples.
Grönalund - with Ramsons and once a popular fairground north of Anderslöv.
Gårdstånga wetland - artificial ponds along the river Kävlingeån on both sides of E22. A lot of birds and good for skating in winter.
Hardeberga church - whose oldest parts are from the 12th or 13th century. On the north wall of the nave is a runic inscription from the 14th century.
Hardeberga quarry - look-out for the Eagle-owl in Hardeberga quarry during a late winter walk Dalby - Billebjer - Hardeberga - Lund.
Hasslemölla - farm with watermill just east of Veberöd. The mill is mentioned in the 17th century but exactly when it was built is not known. The mill stopped for good in the 1920s and fell into disrepair. It has since been renovated a few times.
Hofterupsdösen - just east of Hofterups church is a stone chamber tomb from the Neolithic period.
Humlamaden - nature reserve southeast of Veberöd. In the spring flowering wild cherry tree. From the highest point there is a nice view. No tracks, but a path goes through nature reserve. Grazing animals, deciduous forest and junipers.
Hunneröds mosse - a wetland area between Svedala and Skurup. Here is the rare butterfly Alcon Blue and Marsh Gentian that the butterfly is dependent upon.
Husarahagen - is a nature reserve south of Lake Häckeberga with hardwood, with old trees. Crown Prince hussar regiment went to summer grazing in the area during the 1800s, hence the name.
Hyby hills - at Hyby offers high and low hills, with stunning views of the plains in southwestern Skåne.
Hyby old church - built in the late 1100s. Ceiling paintings made in the 1400s by Harrie master.
Häckeberga kvarn - at Höjeå outside Genarp are the remains of a mill mentioned for the first time 1624. It consists today of several foundations and a paved channel.
Häckebergasjön - lake southeast of Genarp. Nice to walk around the lake, beautiful surroundings with beech forest, open land, rich in deer. On a headland is Häckeberga castle.
Hällestads kyrka - is known for its Church murals that cover large areas of the ceiling and depicts the passion of Jesus. The one who painted them has dated them with 1460.
Hällestadstenarna - on the eastern wall of Torna Hällestad's church is three rune stones.
Högebjer - is a height with junipers and surrounding pastures between Knivsåsen and route 11, east of Dalby. Adjacent is a stone quarry. From the crest of Högebjär is a view south towards Romeleklint. Pasqueflower in the spring.
Jakriborg - is a residential area which is out in the 'country' in Hjärup between Lund and Malmö. The houses are built in medieval style. My eyes like the variations in the buildings and colors.
Järavallen - recreational area north of Barsebäck.
Järavallen - Häljarp - a 6 km hike on the trail Skåneleden part Öresundsled.
Karaby backar - north of the Västra Karaby church just west of Kävlinge, is an ancient monument in a double sense. Created by glacial ice-rivers in ancient times, and one buried on them the dead during the Bronze Age.
Jättegraven - between Klågerup and Bara is a passage grave in a mound, with a view of the fields. The entrance is to the east, in the passage and in the middle of the chamber there are fallen roof blocks.
Katrinetorp - farm in southern Malmö with park and garden. Exhibitions, fairs (including Christmas market), cafe.
Klockarelyckan - is proposed to become a nature reserve. It was already decided in 2017 but the decision was forgotten. Now it's on again. Consists mainly of pastures. Most interesting is supposed to be a few square meters with hundreds of heath spotted-orchid.
Krankesjön - bird lake east of Lund.
Krutladan - I'm looking for an erected stone and a stone ship to be immediately north of the farm Krutladan west of Veberöd.
Kulturforum Esarp - where in the former school is Kulturforum Esarp. Upstairs is a school museum and the local artist Theodor Jönsson artists preserved home as it was when he left it. Downstairs is there sometimes an artexhibition.
Kungsbacken - a hill with views that there was an ancient castle on.
Kungsmarken - nature reserve with a golf course, ruined castle, and flora.
Kämpestenarna - two large boulders in Little Harrie by the road to Bösmöllan. The remains of a stone circle. On the boulders are several cup marks.
Körsbärsdalen - south of Veberöd is an old pasture with a creek valley, junipers and wild cherries. Magnificent when cherry trees blossom.
Lemmeströ kyrkoruin - The church was built around 1200, completely in brick. Later, the tower and the porh of the cobblestone were built. In the 1700's the church was in poor condition. New church was built in Börringe, and Lemmeströ church was ravaged. Today remains a part of the tower and remains of the porch.
Lernacken - a coastal walk Bunkeflostrand (meadows) - Lernacken (Öresund Bridge) - Limhamn
Lilla Beddinge gamla kyrkogård - north of Beddingestrand. The church was demolished when the new one was built further south around 1880. There remaines the cemetery. On the graves is the year from the 17th and 1800s. There are no traces of the church.
Lilla Isie gamla kyrkogård - east of Trelleborg. A linden hedge shows the outlines of how the medieval church lay. South of the church, some old gravestones remain, difficult to interpret due to it has been exposed to wind and weather.
Limhamns kalkbrott - where it was taken limestone from 1866 to 1994. It is usually closed to the public. Abandoned and now a nature reserve to be developed for itself. The limestone was formed by small sea-life animals, bryozos, 60 million years ago.
Lindholmen - In the early 1300s was built a castle at the lake Börringesjö northwest shore. At Queen Margaret's time about 1400 a significant place. Today, the remains of a hill.
Linnebjer - is a small nature reserve northeast of Lund. It is dominated by oak and hazel, and some lime. In a corner is an area with beech. Glades are kept open by haymaking, this gives a rich flora.
Ljunghusens strandbad - eastern part of the Falsterbo peninsula south shore. Sandy beaches and dunes. The eastern part is popular for swimming and recreation. To the west is a lagoon and sandbanks system.
Lomma east pond - water-filled old clay quarry, nature reserve, ornithological interesting, and fish pond.
Lund .... - old part, cathedral, and university.
Lundåkrabukten - coastal walk from the Barsebäck beach to Järavallen. With reeds, seaweed, golf course, meadows, bird platform. Back on Littorina embankment.
Långa bryggan - in Bjärred is a 500 meter long pier with open-air baths and a restaurant.
Löddeåns mynning - is a nature reserve between Vikhög and Bjärred. It consists of pasture land with a rich flora. It has an interesting bird life.
Malmö... - the largest city in Skåne.
Malmö akvarium - at Malmöhus. With coral reefs, tropical rainforest, swedish lake.
Malmö: Submarine U3 - at the Technical Museum in Malmö. Launched in 1942 during World War II. Experience how it feels like living on a submarine. Nothing for the one with claustrophobia.
Manhögarna - west of Löddeköping, one of the mounds is 25 meters in diameter and has a passage-grave where the roof stones are gone except at the tomb entrance.
Måkläppen - is a sand and nature reserves at Falsterbo with restricted access most of the year. Known for its colony of seals and bird life.
Månstorps gavlar - castle built 1540-47 surrounded by a moat. Destroyed by the Danes in an attack 1678. Today there remains the outer walls and part of the moat. Restored during the 1900s.
Möllegården culture - in Åkarp with shop, exhibitions (including part of the Weibull doll and costume collection), and cafe.
Norra kyrkogården - in Trelleborg. In the cemetery are graves with German soldiers who died on Swedish soil during World War II. During the First World War, prisoners of war were exchanged in Trelleborg, the disability monument stands on a burial mound with deceased prisoners of war.
Risen - just south of Genarp. It is made up of meadows, swamps, small water, and intermediate forested hills.
Romeleklint - a cliff 175 meters above sea level on Romeleåsen. Once with great views, now surrounded by mature forest. But also beautiful surroundings with pasture land and views.
Romeleåsen ... - the area around the ridgein south Skåne.
Sallerupsdammen - north of Södra Sallerup, east of Malmö, are some fishing ponds. Before this here was a lime quarry. With the hope of finding fossils.
Salviken - is the bay between Barsebäck and Vikhög on the coast of Öresund. The coastline consists of open grazed meadows, and is a nature reserve. Bird life is rich.
Skanörs borg - north of Skanör's church lies the remains of the medieval castle. Built in the first half of the 13th century as a seat for the Danish King's sheriff. Of the castle's two-story brick house, two moats and a fore castle there remains a hill and the inner moat.
Skoggårds ängar - east of Lake Häckeberga is a since long dry part of the former Häckebergsjön. Was used before with hay.
Skrivaremöllan - outside Torna Hällestad just before Tvedöra east of the road by a stream. The current mill was probably built in the 1850s, as was the residential building. Over the stream at the mill is a stone bridge with the inscription 1851 NP.
Skrylle ... - recreational area east of Lund. Nature reservesm, pastures, forests, strange beeches.
Skåre skansar - were built up on the orders of King Karl XII in the early 1700s, some may be from 17th century, as a defense against an invasion.
Soldattorpet dairy - a small dairy in Hyby with cheese with milk from the area. In the farm shop you can taste and buy cheese and bowl of curds.
Stenbock ramparts - a defence wall built in the beginning of the 18th century. Between Sjöbobadet and Barsebäckshamn is a track, at Tegelvik do one have to pass a few houses.
Stora Harrie mosse - at Kävlinge. Small remnant of a once large wetland area. Marshes with species-rich plant life.
Big stone beach - north of Barsebäckshamn is a stony beach with a large stone at Stenbocksvallar. Not a good beach but quiet and peaceful despite the proximity to a good beach. A favorite spot for me.
Strandstråket - is the coast from Spillepengen in the south, by Lomma and Bjärred, Löddesnäs to the north.
Stångby mosse - is situated northwest of Lund, it consists of Stĺngby bog and Hoby hills. The southernmost part, Stĺngby bog, consist of marshes. From the bog is a brook that further north enter into a shallow valley with gentle slopes, Hoby hills.
Sularpskärret - nature reserve along the bike path between Lund and Södra Sandby, with a rich flora. In the spring bloom Bird's-eye Primrose and Globeflower. Managed by grazing and haymaking.
Särslövs kyrka - was built in the 13th century and has been built and changed over the years. What distinguishes the church are the medieval ceiling paintings in the choir by Harriemästaren. Representing eight apostles.
Södra Ugglarp - one of Skåne's largest and best preserved stone ships is located at the farm Södra Ugglarp just west of Veberöd.
Tegelvik - an easygoing coastal walk north from Barsebäckshamn, past and to the 18th century defense construction Stenbocksvallar.
Torup - the castle was built in the 1530s, today's appearance is from the beginning of the 1600s. Around the castle is a beautiful park. The castle and surrounding area, Bokskogen, is a popular recreation area.
Tottarps kyrka - is originally from the 12th century but it has been rebuilt a number of times, the latest from about 1850 by C G Brunius.
Tullstorp runestone - a beautiful and unique runestone at Tullstorp church. 'Klibir and Åsa raised this monument in memory of Ulf'.
Turestorpsö - castle ruins on a promontory in Havgårdssjön. On the cape Turestorpsö located two hills. On them lay in the Middle Ages a fortress.
Tvedöra - a gravel pit filled with water. Take a bath here. It is on the road between Södra Sandby and Torna Hällestad.
Törringelund - is a deciduous forest area in the farmland north of Arrie, with old trees, in the spring with rich flora. In the northern part is a restaurant and dance hall.
Vallby mosse - outside Kyrkheddinge is a pit formed by the inland ice, used for the peat and now water filled. Nesting and resting place for some birds.
Vallkärra church - originating in the late 1100s. It is beautifully situated overlooking the west. A wide staircase leads down to the latter part of the cemetery.
Veberöds ljung - nature reserve east of Veberöd is natural pastures with stately oaks. Klingavälsån winds through the area.
Vismarlövsstenen - (Hyby stone 1) stands by the village street in Vismarlöv. It is a runestone from the 1000s, with a difficult to read rune loop. A deer and a crusifix indicate that it may have a Christian influence.
Vismarlövs väv & bagarstuga - farm bakery in Vismarlöv, between Klågerup and Genarp, with stone oven baked bread, pyramid cakes, weaving and cafe.
Vomb .... - the lake and surroundings east of Lund.
Önneslövs fälad - beautiful juniper pasture east of Dalby. With some marshes and ponds with beautiful flora.
Örtofta åpromenad - a kilometer-long river walk along the Kävlingeån river in Örtofta north of Lund.
Östra Torps kalkugnar - north of Smygehamn. In the dome-like ovens, lime was burned for about one hundred years from the mid-1800s. Interesting industrial history.



Central Skåne
Northwest Skåne
Northeast Skåne
Southwest Skåne
Southeast Skåne
Ancient monuments

Samarian gorge
Zinal 1982
Wales 2008
Fjällen 2009