Vallkärra kyrka
originating in the late 1100s. It is beautifully situated overlooking the west. A wide staircase leads down to the latter part of the cemetery.

July 28, 2014
Church originating in the late 1100s. It was then decorated with murals. It has since restored pervasive. What is original is the chancel and perhaps the tower.

It is beautifully situated overlooking the west. A wide staircase leads down to the latter part of the cemetery. Below the slope is a tombstone from end of 1800th with the inscription:
little funny if you interpret it freely.

Music flows out of the church. The cantor practice. An opportunity to walk around in the church. The pulpit is renaissance 1500s. Displays the four evangelists. Altarpiece from the late 1500s. The original motives was repainted in 1773 with other motives. It does not hang at the altar, but on the nave eastwall.

The current appearance of the church it got in the early 1900s. When one discovered murals, but they were in bad condition. Moved to the Historical Museum in Lund, where there are also older fixtures. Got a new baptismal font, altar table and benches. The organ is more recent, 1960s.

The music stops. Time to leave.
