Pictures from Skåne - Sweden - Grönalund

with Ramsons and once a popular fairground north of Anderslöv.

5 / 6 2010: I have many times driving past Grönalund and the sign of 'Grönalunds tivoli' (Grönalund aumusement park) on the road between Börringekloster and Anderslöv. I park at the lay-by. A sign tells that this was Grönalund amusement park, once a popular venue, with a stop at the railroad Börringe - Östra Torp. Today this is a grove, where the Ramsons is in bloom in abundance in the woods near the lay-by. The sign says that 200 meters south is a sign showing the way to the place of the aumusement park. I think I can get there via the path up the hill with the Ramsons. Ramsons leaves are good to have in the salad. It is not a good path, overgrown and wet. Along the trail Ramsons flowers. I continue up the hill. I step deep in the mud, my feets get wet. A Herb-Robert and Greater Stitchwort (I think it is) looks surprised at me. Eventually the trail ends, wet and brush. Giving up and turning.

Follow instead the instructions and the sign 'Gröna Lund amusement park'. Much better, good trail through spruce forest and up to a glade in a young deciduous forest. It's like a lawn, it is freshly cut. On a sign says 'Grönalunds Tivoli 1905 - 1949'. 1930 the prime minister Per-Albin Hansson was here and gave a speech . Photos show how it looked, nothing is left today. A bench invites you to rest and have lunch. Take the shoes off to dry them and stockings. Studying Ramsons flower in detail. At the path is a tree trunk with carvings, perhaps made of lovers at that time? If the tree is so old? Time to continue to today's entertainment, football.
