Pictures from Skåne - Sweden - Lund

Lund is the city of wisdom and ideas. The city is dominated by the university and the more than 30000 students, of which more than 100 % is using a bicycle. To drive on the narrow, and often oneway roads is difficult. The streets are still arranged according to the medieval structure. Lund can be dated back to the 10th centery, when there was a large settlement at Stora Uppåkra. Findings can be seen at the historical museum. Wherever one dig in the central city do one have to an archeological examanition first. In the 1960's did one remove many old buildings, but the cathedral was kept and is the main attraction of Lund.In Kattesund did one find remnants of a church, Drotten, which one kept inside the house built on top of it. Lund is rich in restaurants and cafeterias.

North of the cathedral is Lundagård, destroyed every fourth year by the great carnival. Though the old trees in Lundagård has survived many carnivals. Kungshuset, University house, Academic society house, Palaestra and the historical museum are all collected here. At Tegnerplatsen is the museum Kulturen.

The art hall show art that many in think is "wrong" art. In Skissernas museum is drawings and blueprints of art. The most invisible statue is Intighet ("nothingness") on Krafts torg. During the dark winter is a big tree near Lundagård dressed in light. Around Bantorget are other light installations.

There is no river nor beach in Lund, but in the south is the small brook Höjeå. The sewage treatment ponds at Höje å attract many birds. South of Höje å is the old mill Flackarps mölla. Near the mill is the old St Lars graveyard where mentally ill patients who died were buried without names. The relatives were not very proud of having ill relatives. If one get physically ill, then the huge university hospital is there to help. Do one do can one be buried on the North graveyard opposite the hospial.

Died did many during the battle at Lund 1676. There is a monument in the memory of this bloody battle.

From southeast do one see the siluette of Lund.

When Lund 1990 celebrated 1000-years was oaks planted at Hardebergaspåret. Nearby is a fire place. At Hardebergaspåret is a memorial stone.

Tusse was a cat in the 1980s who lived on Fäladstorger. During the day did he often sleep in the window of the flower shop. Loved by many. A day in January 1989 was he run over by car. A fund was created in his memory. It contributed to the monument Tellus where he lie and study the world.

Mejeriet at stadsparken means music, theater, film, and food.

Holmbergska tomten , a somewhat deliberately overgrown plot in Lund. Once a garden built in the late 1800's by one of Lund's richest men, Carl Holmberg. In the spring the ground is covered with scilla.
Klosterkyrkan is a 14-century church of brick, and has been part of a monastery. One of Lund's two medieval churches.
Livets museum a nice little elongated and narrow Museum in Lund. Medical history and how our body works.
Max IV is a synchrotron light source fascilty at Brunnshög in northeast Lund.
Röstånga Mölla Skafferi , in Eslöv has a branch in Lund. Affordable sourdough bread and soup buffet.
Tegnérmuseet , Esaias Tegner major Swedish author and poet in the early 1800s, a professor at Lund University. His home in Lund is now a museum about him.
Tekulturen , teahouse with shop and serving in Lund. Large tea assortment.
Östra Kyrkogården , is located at the Botanical Garden. Several impressive burial places and famous citizens of Lund have their final resting place here. Green oasis in the summer.



Central Skåne
Northwest Skåne
Northeast Skåne
Southwest Skåne
Southeast Skåne
Ancient monuments

Samarian gorge
Zinal 1982
Wales 2008
Fjällen 2009