Pictures from Skåne - Sweden - Northeast Skåne

Excursions in northeast Skåne, the municipalities:
Bromölla, Hässleholm, Kristianstad, Osby, Östra Göinge.

Alslingan - trail at western Finjasjön through one of Skåne's most largest area of wet alder forests. A 1.6 km long boardwalk through what sometimes is called Europe's rainforest.
Aosehus - in Åhus. The ruin of a castle probably built before the 1150th. Strategically located where Helge river once flowed into the sea. It was destroyed in 1569.
Biskopskällaren - is a basement on the island Ivö in lake Ivösjön. The basement is what remains after a larger building that Archbishop Andreas Sunesson spent his last years in the 1220s.
Blåsippeskogen - in Lommarp east of Hässleholm along the Ignaberga lime quarry. In the area there are collapsed pits from collapsed medieval lime mines. In the spring, hepatica bloom profusely.
Bröt-Anunds grav - northeast of Vinslöv is a 21 x 8 meter large dolmen from approx 3000 BC. Bröt-Anund is a fairytale king in the Ynglinga family.
Bäckaskogs castle - is located on the strip of land between Oppmannasjön and Ivösjön. Laid out in the 1200s as premonstraten monestarry. Royal summertime in the 1800s. Today tourist destination, conferences, hotel.
Dunderbäcken - is a nature reserve on Linderödsåsen southeast of Degeberga. With deciduous forest, streams, views and spring flowers, e.g. hepatica. A cycle path runs through the reserve on a former railway embankment.
Finja church - from the 1130's. Known for its murals from around 1140.
Forsakar - In a 40 meter deep, narrow canyon is a brook with two waterfalls, the first and highest one is about 10 meters high. This is the most wellknown waterfall in Skåne.
Frännarp rock carving - west of Knislinge. Unusual rock carvings with many carriages drawn by horses.
Grydebjär - is a grave-field at Hörja. The grave-field consists of six more or less visible stone ships, a rectangular stone setting. A lot of erected stones. It was in use during the latter part (AD 6-900) of the Iron Age. In the north are metre-deep hollowed-out roads.
Gumlösa kyrka - is Sweden's oldest dated brick building. It was consecrated by Bishop Absalon on October 26, 1192. The church has burned twice, in 1612 it and Gumlösa village was burned by Gustav II Adolf, the second fire was in 1904.
Hammarmölledamm - dam in Hovdalaån south of Finjasjön. Surrounded by beautiful forests. From the dam, the water is in a culvert for a power plant, but some can play freely in the creek.
Heliga Trefaldighetskyrkan - in Kristianstad was commissioned by the Danish King Christian IV, and was consecrated in 1628. A Renaissance cathedral with light and space, conceived as cathedral.
Hembygdsparken in Hässleholm - Consists of museum, coffee house, ponds, playground, stage, a number of old buildings have over the years been moved there. On a hill stands a mill from Öland. In the park has been built up copies of ancient tombs.
Hovdala castle - A castle with memories from snapphanar (guerilla soldier in the 17th century) and a recreational area south of the lake Finjasjön.
Häglinge gravfält - ust north of Häglinge beside the road to Sösdala. Grave field from the second half of the Iron Age, about 500-900 AD. Remains of two stone ships and numerous standing stones.
Hässleholm kulturhus - tourist information, library, restaurant, cinema, premises, exhibitions.
Hässleholms museum - shows Hässleholm as transportation junction and garrison town. A large collection of military vehicles. A railway model as it was in the 1960s.
Höge väg - by Maltesholm castle on Linderödsåsen northern slope, is an amazing kilometer long road of stone. Took 50 years to build around 1800.
Ignaberga old church - was built at the end of the 12th century with limestone from the area in Romanesque style. In the 1880s, a new church was built and the old one fell into disrepair. It was renovated in 1928. A nice little church without a tower.
Ignaberga kalkbrott - was below the sea surface about 75 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. In the quarry, fossils of marine animals have been found from that time. The lime quarry in Ignaberga dates back to the 11th century.
Ivö kalkbrott - on the north Ivö is a disbanded quarry where one can find fossils.
Ivö klack - on northern Ivön is a hill with the highest point 134 meters above sea level. The highest point is flat and just forest. There is a nice viewpoint on the west side. North is a limestone quarry where you can find fossils.
Ivö church - from the beginning of the 1200s, with wall paintings and a well where the water can become wine.
Jakten på Gullspira - is a hiking trail at Hovdala Castle. The eastern part goes over a height with a view, through forest, past beautiful Hammarmölledamm and a library building that never finished.
Julmarknad 2010 - household's Society annual Christmas Fair 'Skånejul' on Hässleholmsgården, the manor that has given its name to the town of Hässleholm.
Jungfruslingan - is a hiking trail southwest Nävlinge past the waterfall Maiden Fall (Jungfrufallet) and the Maiden stone (Jungfrustenen) which is a large split boulder. Named after a legend about a fleeing maiden.
Kjugekull - south of Bäckaskog's castle, the road goes to Kjugekull. Long ago Kjugekull was an island where the rocks went up in the day. The ice sheet has helped to move rock blocks. Popular with practitioners of bouldering. Liverleaf at the shore, Pasqueflower and Cowslip on pastures.
Klackabacken - hiking trail west of Vä. Past ancient monuments and the defense facility Skepparslöv redoubts. These earthworks were built in 1678 during the Scanian War. Beautiful scenery.
Liarumsängen - at Liarum situated just northeast of Linderöd. This is a beautiful meadow in spring flaunts and then is worth a botanical visit.
Lillö ruin - once a great fortress in the wetlands at Helgeå west of Kristianstad. The Swedes destroyed the castle after that Skåne became Swedish 1658.
Linnérundan - walk through the wetlands at Helgeå west of Kristianstad, past the bird-rich meadows, the medieval castle ruins Lillö, Härlövsborg, deciduous forest with ponds.
Lyngsjön - nature reserve at Lyngsjö church east of Tollarp. Here there are flower-rich meadows, marshes and sandy steppes. In the meadows and in the marsh by the lake there is a large amount of orchids.
Lowest point - in Sweden is 2.41 meters below sea level and is located in a grove of trees in Kristianstad. Here is information about the history and measuring posture showing the sea level.
Lönnebjär - at Häglinge is a deciduous forest hill and volcanic remains with a large number of blocks of basalt.
Magle våtmark - in Hässleholm with landscaped treatment ponds, recreational area for people and bird-rich.
Mala stones - Iron Age burial ground situated on an oak-covered height at Mala north of Hässleholm.
With T4 in Vienna - about a shipment of supplies to Vienna after World War II.
Mölleröds slottsruin - the castle at Finjasjön was built around 1580 and was burned by the Danes and snapphanar during the Scanian War 1678. Today are remains of the wall and a moat.
Naturum, Vattenriket - Visitor Centres wetlands (Naturum Vattenriket) 'an exhibition full of experiences', on what to see in the wetlands at Kristianstad.
Norra Åsums kyrka - in the porch of the church stands a runestone, which was erected in connection with the construction of the church. On the stone it is mentioned that Archbishop Absalon had the church built. Absalon was archbishop 1177-1201, so the church was built during that time.
Norra Åsumstenen - is a runestone in the porch of Norra Åsum's church. On the stone it is mentioned that Archbishop Absalon had the church built. A late runestone, the last to be erected in the Danish kingdom.
Pulken - nature reserve with meadows one kilometer west of Yngsjö. Rest here thousands of cranes in late March/early April. The cranes can be observed from an observation tower.
Regional museum - in Kristianstad with arthall, shop, café.
Skeingeborg - (Skeviaborg) is an octagonal castle ruins from the 1100s on an islet in Skeingesjön west of Osby. On the site is a meter high remains of the octagonal wall.
Slingra dig - an architect designed bird watching tower at Almaån inflow at Mölleröd at northern Finjasjön.
Stainabjär - outside Vinslöv is a large Iron Age burial ground. Unfortunately, the burial ground has been damaged over the years by agriculture and stone quarrying, but it is still worth seeing with the remains of stoneships.
Svarta Bergen - working life and nature museum in a closed quarry outside Lönsboda, where diabase was quarried. The quarry is today filled with water. In the area there are scrap heaps and several works of art.
Söndre bro - on the eastern part of Östra Sönnarslöv over Söndre å. The bridge has two arches and is 13 meters long, 5 meters wide and 3 meters high. Beautifully. The river that flows between the pastures is also beautiful.
Tivoliparken - is nice park south of the railway station in Kristianstad, with a prom along the river Helge å.
Torsebro krutbruk - lies in a leafy deciduous forest north of Kristianstad. It dates back to the 17th century, it was closed down in 1926. The oldest house that remains is from 1692.
Tosteberga ängar - north of Åhus are beach meadows that have been grazed for hundreds of years. In the meadows, in the spring, among others cowslip bloom in large numbers.
Trädhuset - up among the trees in a forest slope on the Hovdala area south of Lake Finjasjön. View of Lake Finjasjön. In the summer it is a café.
Ugnsmunnarna - on Ivö. A dozen meters from the beach rises a few meter high steep of rock from the Cretaceous period about 100 million years ago. Along the precipice you can search for fossils.
Verumsgården - Kafé Verum, Hässleholms IF's cafe in Hässleholm, where the interior can be purchased.
Vittsjöborg - on the isthmus between Pickelsjön and Mellomsjön in Vittsjö. Here was a castle in the 1300s that was destroyed by fire, probably during an attack. What remains are some hills.
Vittsjö skans - memorial stone of Gustavus Adolphus near death experience 1612. A Danish fortification during the Kalmar War 1611-13. Highly situated between two lakes and a river.
Vä kyrka - Marys Church, which was probably taken into use in 1121. In the roof of the choir are paintings from the 12th century. Altar and pulpit from 17th century.
Vä kyrkoruin - is the remains of a chapel dedicated to Saint Gertrud, he patron saint of the poor, sick and passers-by. It was probably built during the latter part of the 15th century in connection with a hospital. The chapel was ravaged by fire, perhaps when the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf burned Vä in 1612.
Vätteryd grave field - with stone ships from the late Iron Age situated on Highway 23 south of Sösdala.
Wanås konst - in the park to Wanås Castle. It displays contemporary art, every year invited artists create art in the park.
Åbjär - is a deciduous forest area with a ravine on Linderödsåsens northern slope.
Åhus - about a walk past St. Anne's Chapel, remains of monastery wall, Aosehus, Kungsstugan, the church, the museum, and food.
Åhus church - St. Mary's Church with the oldest parts dating from the 1100s, later extended, stands as a memory of Ahus heydays. In the churchyard is a remarkable tombstone.
Åraslövs mosse - is a nature reserve outside Vinslöv. Wetland with a variety of orchids. There is a lot of lily of the valley in the forest. A paved path goes over the bog.
Örnabjär - is a volcanic remnant with clear basalt cliffs in a pasture just west of Häglinge.



Central Skåne
Northwest Skåne
Northeast Skåne
Southwest Skåne
Southeast Skåne
Ancient monuments

Samarian gorge
Zinal 1982
Wales 2008
Fjällen 2009