household's Society annual Christmas Fair 'Skånejul' on Hässleholmsgården, the manor that has given its name to the town of Hässleholm.

21 Nov 2010: Take the train to Hässleholm. Walk in light rain to Hässleholmsgården where the Housekeeping Society has its annual Christmas Fair "Skånejul" on 18-21 November. There are more than me who took an umbrella and walked. The parking lot is on the large grass areas, as yet quite empty. Maybe too early, maybe the rain discourage?

Hässleholm manor, the manor which gave its name to the town, dates back to the 1500s. The farm consists of a main building with wings, and coach house, stables, barn. Today's main buildings date from around 1800. Owned by Hässleholm. There is a hostel, and exercise facilities. Today the place is for the Christmas Fair. Pays 60 SEK entry fee and get a stamp on my hand. Going into the main building, which is guarded by a heavy wooden Santas Claus, Christmas goat of pine boughs, and a man in costume. Brownies, brownies. I am buying each year a brownie. This year it will be a house brownie. Moving on to the north wing, looking in particular at woodwork. Over to the south wing, looking in particular at textiles. Continues to Fruktboden (Fruit house), buy a pig of marzipan. Smörblomman sells tea. Hässleholm tea, green and black with flowers from the region. Purchased. Continue to the hostel building, where I get a look into one of the rooms. From the kitchen I can see out over the mini golf course. In a large room is the commerce going on. The barn is the most important part, food. Much of everything, one may taste most of it. Buying lamb sausage from KA agriculture. Tastes raspberry mulled from the raspberry farm (Hallongården), does not taste too bad, but prefer the "real" product. Hungry, in spite of all snacking, I visit the temporary coffee house run by the Wild Roses & Poultry (Vildrosor & Höns) where I eat a plate with three Danish sandwiches.

Unfolds the umbrella and goes under the railway to the school Grönängsskolan. Fifty years ago I started school here. The house is the same, outside is now a playground. Walk back to the railway station and the train home. A cup of Hässleholm tea, the marzipan pig, and cognac with the brownie is finishing a nice day.

Skånejul at Hässleholmsgården
