is a hiking trail southwest Nävlinge past the waterfall Maiden Fall (Jungfrufallet) and the Maiden stone (Jungfrustenen) which is a large split boulder. Named after a legend about a fleeing maiden.

April 11, 2015
Stop at the Old Square in Hörby and buy cakes and bread on Boijerts Conditori. Continues through Södra Rörum, Häglinge to Ljungarum east of the Norra Mellby. Sets the car at a deserted farm about 400 meters east of the village Ljungarum.

Walk the forest road to the north. Shortly after where it curves are marked red point into a path in the forest. After a while no marks. Coming up to a gravel road. Among the trees stands a strange stone sculpture. Turn back. One should follow a stone wall to the north. On the rocks are red markings. They are again gone in a harvested forest. Guessing one should followe the stone wall. Right. Into the beech forest over a wire fence. Reach the Maiden fall, a total of about 8 meters high waterfall. Crossing the creek. Large stones on the hillside. Could it be Maiden stone?

Looking closely at the waterfall. Adjacent is a rest area. Having lunch there. An sign tells of the legend of the Maiden fall and Maiden stone. In the 1600s, burned a farm, a maiden and a man fled into the woods. Took refuge to the Maiden stone and had the stream to get water. How it ended there are two variants, a happy and unhappy. From the rest area leads path that I believe is from a closer parking.

Continue and follow the markings. Crossing the creek. At the stream bloom anemones. Through the forest. Coming to a large boulder split in two parts. Here were where the maiden took refuge. The opening rises steep. Following the trail northward through the forest. Ends at a gravel road. Here are place to park and information sign of the Maiden path. An orange marked path continues to Nävlinge. But no red marks.

Goes back to maiden stone. From there are markers south along a forest road. After some time connects a forest road. Looking for marker on it, find none . Continuing on the forest road to the south, with markings. In the forest is large boulders, on top stands a small tree. How can it take root up there? Take coffee on a juniper grassland, becomes invaded by ants.

The deserted farm is not as deserted anymore, one can hear hammering inside it.
