south of lake Häckebergasjön. The western part is a scrubby forest. The eastern part arable land with forest islet, and a beech forest with a marsh. Old trees. The reserve is mostly for moss, lichens and insects.

April 5, 2015
Sets the car in the parking lot to Husarhagen nature reserve south of Lake Häckeberga. Hope for flowering, but not much yet. Some anemones have opened itself. Walk the forest road westwards towards Degebergahus. Many cyclists on the road. A beautiful old tree is surrounded by swamp. Larch trees are in bloom.

Is disappointed of Degebergahus nature reserve. Had expected more of spring flowers. The western part is a scrubby forest. The eastern part arable land with forest islet, was thinking it was pasture, and a beech forest with a marsh. Old trees. The reserve is mostly for moss, lichens and insects. Nothing I can something about. Not for the flora. Would expect a carpet of white and yellow anemone. Such a thing is not in sight. Roam around in the eastern part. Lunch and coffee on a rock. Picking nettles for nettlesoup.
