is an old gravel pit which has been converted into a recreational area with a small lake.

September 2, 2020:
Drive from Törringe towards Arrie. Just before the Gavelsbjer hill, the car park to the walking area by Arriesjön appears. At the parking lot is a factory building from the time when this was a gravel pit. After the gravel pit was laid down in 1998, it has been filled with water. Follows the blue path up the hill created by the ice sheet during the last glacial period. By a pond is a barbecue area. There is also a riding trail and a more accessible adapted trail, which here follows the blue trail. Goes down the adapted path to a viewpoint over the lake. A swan family swims around in the lake. The riding trail goes along the lake to a barbecue area overlooking the lake. A man with children has been fishing. Continue the blue path to the next barbecue area. There is parking and toilet Can be a bath, but the beach is covered with horse poop. Not very attractive. Two girls are training on the slopes. A large Dewberry bush, has never seen one so big. Walk south of the lake to go to the platform in the south. Goes over a large grass area to reach it. You may make only fire on prepared fire places, but not everyone follows it. To the west is the hill Gavelsbjer. On an island in the lake stands a heron. Wondering if you can walk on the east side of the lake?

But we go back the blue path to the barbecue area with a view. There will be a well-deserved coffee break. A lot of hawthorn. Make a detour to the top of the hill, with a sweeping view to the north. Spindle by the path. On the other side of the lake is a sauna house. Get us down the slope to the lake edge which we try to follow. Gets too rugged, hassles us up the precipice. The riding trail goes back towards the car park. Meets an older couple. You should be able to walk on the east side, there is an indistinct path and you need something that can withstand water on your feet. A little wet somewhere. You should also be able to see sea eagles over the lake. We walk the path to the northern tip. A probable sea eagle circles high above us. Forgot the binoculars of course. At the platform a swan comes forward and greets. An indistinct path enters the forest. May follow it another time.

There is a steeplechase course by the car park. Probably for children, but if you have a little childish spirit left, you can not help but try it.

September, 23 2008:
Gavelsbjer is a hill created by the melting ice during the last glacial period. It is near Arrie at road 101. It is a nature reserve to preserve what remains of this type of hills. On the north side is place big enough to park a car. The hill is pasture land. It is only about 20-30 meters high but offers anyway a magnificient view of the surroundings, with Malmö seen in the west. East of the hill is Arriesjön.

Arriesjön is a former gravel pit, which has been restored to a lake and ponds, a small recreational area. At the parking place is an industrial building from the time as a gravel pit. There are several paths in the hilly landscape, on the hills grow hawthorn. It is possible to bath in the lake. It is allowed to fish, a fishing licence is required. From a platform can one study the birdlife.

GPS: WGS84 decimal (lat, lon) 55.523177, 13.101304