coastal walk from the Barsebäck beach to Järavallen. With reeds, seaweed, golf course, meadows, bird platform. Back on Littorina embankment.

February 7, 2016 Barsebäcks strandbad - Järavallen
Buying on the road cakes at Nybakat in Löddeköpinge. Park at Barsebäcks lidos. At the pier in the south stands and a few fishing. A few walks. The bridge is empty.

Runs along the beach north to Järavallen. Seaweed is wound on the beach. Bitwise thick. Many seashells. Passing a piece of a wall. Row of stones stretching out into the water. Many broken bottles.

It is shallow. Sandbanks is a bit out. Inland meadows. Fortress from Per-Albin line. Reeds and seaweed makes it a little difficult to get around. Crawling under barbed wire to the pasture. The reeds and the bridge over a stream.

Walk at the edge of Barsebäck Golf Course. A bird of prey, a dummy. What should it scare on a golf course? Coming to an electric fence. Crawling between wires. Something inaccessible. At the edge of the shore to the bird platform at Järavallen.

Climbing over the electric fence and railing to the bird platform. Feel stiff. Very bird poop and windy. Not for lunch. Walking across the road and up into the shelter among the pines on Littorina embankment. Seven thousand years ago the beach to the sea. Eating lunch.

Following the embankment south to the golf course. Go over a stile onto the road. Going on it past the golf course. Over a stile onto the meadows. Over a stile on the beach again. The setting sun colors the sky. Looking for seashells periwinkle Littorina, which gave its name to the Littorina embankment. Still exists. Find some.
