Landborgen is the result of land rice after the latest ice sheet. Landborgspromenaden is a marked footpath on it and its different environments through Helsingborg, between Raus church and Sofiero castle.

Landborgspromenaden south: Raus Church - Kärnan, 8 km
April 10, 2011: Get off the bus in Råå. Follows the river Råån. At the foot bridge over to the Raus Church, beautifully situated on the slope towards the river and dating from the 1100s, is a group of women on the walk. From here you can take a pleasant trip along the river to Gantofta.  Landborgspromenaden goes north on the ridge Landborgen up to Sofiero Castle. It is also a part of the trail Skåneleden. Passes Rausvägen to bicyclepath. Just before where the bike path goes under the Österleden is a big burial mound, Gröte hög. One can go a different route that passes Raus crockery factory. that must wait for some other time, even if it is long since I visited the factory. After Österleden goes the trail through a forest at Ättekulla. The first wood anemones to me this year. Reach Ättekulla, residential area with school and a modern church. In southwest Öresund glitter in the sunshine. Walk the cycle path past Ättekulla grave field, with several burial mounds, up here reached the coastline after the Ice Age. On top of a burial mound is a stone. Meet a woman with a dog that shakes it's paw with me.

Goes under Malmövägen to Kummelgatan. A man on a motorcycle is wondering where Ramlösa sport ground is. Showing the map for him, I have no idea, there are several stadiums around here, maybe Heden? Take a chance on it. Coming up to the Ramlösa spa garden, with beautiful buildings from the spa era. Today, used for homes and offices. Goes to the iron well. A girl is tasting the water. The rock is red with iron. Adjacent is Pelarhuset, once a hot bath. Hårleman rune stone is from 1750, in return for a stay in the park. Sit down and have coffee on the slope above the pond and Lussebäcken. Then follow the creek downstream.

Then past the quarter Elineberg, boys play football. Through what I believe is quarters from the 1950's at Liebäckskroken. Enters the lower part of the valley Jordbodalen. Walk on a path along a pond. Some ducks do traces on the water surface. Continue between People's Park and an allotment area. Further on a valley is front of us, must be Ångtegelgropen, former mud pit for brick manufacturing. Skåneleden do not go down in the pit, but we do. After the pit we converge with Skåneleden again. Runs through urban area and past Gustav Adolf school, a large brick building. Walk Gasverksgatan, far down is Gustav Adolf Church.

Cemeteries are always interesting, passing New cemetery, grave monuments in Donation Cemetery. Below the ridge lies the old cemetery, the slope is beautifully decorated with spring flowers. Next to it is a large apartment building, Consul Persson's villa. Today are students there. 1710 was a battle at Helsingborg between Swedes and Danes. Then was the city's castle surrounded by a moat, pass by the remains of it.

On Möllebacken is a nice windmill and old cottages. In the summer a cafe, now boarded up. I climb over a fence, and crawling on the ridge steep slope to get in to take a picture. Ugly done? At a school yard is a model of the medieval Dominican Monastery of St. Nicholas. The place of the buildings are marked with paving stones in the schoolyard. It is Premier Division football match, fans walk up the steep Himmelriksgränden on the way to Olympia. The Rose garden is blue of Glory-of-the-snow. On the other side of Billeplatsen is the familiar Kärnan, the castle tower is what remains of the medieval castle of Helsingborg. Walk Billeplatsen down to Knutpunkten and the train home.

Råån valley
