April 1, 2017
Drive the road from Södra Hultarp towards Forestad.
Just before the bridge over Rönne river there is a parking.
There is also a parking for Djupadalsmölla canoe rental.
Goes from the parking lot along the north side of the river.
Goes between the river and a rock wall.
Rönne river form small rapids here.
The river is full.
In the area it was volcanic during the jura era.
Today, spring flowers are the goal.
At the beginning of the path Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem.
On the cliff wall cliffs Liverleaf.
Also along the river.
After a few hundred meters is a brook, Snällerödsbäcken.
Here is the dead end.
Yellow Anemone, Wood Anemone, Lesser Celandine, Suffolk Lungwort.
A lemon butter strikes down on a Corydalis intermedia.
Going up the hill above the cliff.
A nice moment in the sunshine with a view of the valley.
A couple make a short visit,
photographs the Liverleaf on the rock wall.
Drive to Röstånga.
Then waffle on Bialitt.